Power Up Your Golf Swing: Step-by-Step Mobility Exercises

Power Up Your Golf Swing: Step-by-Step Mobility Exercises

Note: This Rodo Exercise post is meant to be short and to the point. You are encouraged to screenshot these exercises for easy access. To dive into concepts deeper, check out some of our deeper blog posts

As a passionate golfer, you understand that a long, consistent drive can significantly improve your game. Mobility is an essential part of achieving this. Here are some step-by-step exercises you can perform with your Rodo Mobility Tool to enhance your swing power.

Lacrosse Ball Exercises

  1. Thoracic Spine Release: Lay down on your back with the lacrosse ball positioned between your shoulder blades, moving slowly to massage the area and release any tension.

  2. Latissimus Dorsi Release: Position the lacrosse ball under your side where your lat muscle is, gently rolling back and forth to release tight muscles and increase flexibility.

  3. Rotator Cuff Release: Lay down and place the lacrosse ball at the back of your shoulder, gently applying pressure and rolling to alleviate muscle tension in this area.

  4. Glute Release: Sit on the lacrosse ball, rolling it slowly under your buttocks to pinpoint and relieve any tight spots in your gluteal muscles.

  5. Hip Flexor Release: While lying down, position the lacrosse ball just below your hip bone and roll gently to work out any kinks in your hip flexor muscles.

  6. Pectoral Release: Position the ball under your chest while lying face down, rolling it slowly to work out tightness in your pectoral muscles.


Peanut Ball Exercises

  1. Thoracic Spine Mobilization: Position the peanut ball on your mid-back while lying on the floor, moving your body gently over the ball to massage your thoracic spine.

  2. Shoulder Girdle Release: Place the peanut ball on your upper back/shoulder area and roll slowly, targeting the muscles around your shoulder blades for a deep massage.

  3. Lumbar Spine Release: While lying on your back, place the peanut ball under your lower back and move gently, working out any tightness in this area.

  4. Hip Flexor Release: Similar to the lacrosse ball exercise, use the peanut ball to massage your hip flexor area, applying pressure and releasing any tight muscles.

  5. Ankle Mobilization: Position the peanut ball under your ankle and gently roll your foot over it, stretching and mobilizing the ankle joint.


Incorporating these mobility exercises into your routine can dramatically improve your golf swing by enhancing flexibility and reducing muscle tension. Grab your Rodo Mobility Tool and give them a try. Your more powerful, smoother golf swing is just a few simple exercises away!